Continuing 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month at 6:30pm
Class: Connecting To Our Hebraic Roots.
Study Guide: The Messianic Church Arising by Robert Heidler. Books are $10. You can order your book in class!
We live in one of the most exciting days in human history. Yeshua is preparing His Bride! The Spirit of God is restoring the covenant roots of His church! The Church is rising up in a power and glory we have not witnessed since the first century. The greater glory is on the horizon. The Lord is inviting you to be part of that restoration. The Messianic Church Arising! has revival within its pages. It was written to help you experience the fullness of your relationship with God as He intended it. The purpose of this book is to help any believer begin to regain the blessings of our lost inheritance! Once you see the root you are grafted into, the power of the Life of the Root springs forth in you. You will bear fruit!