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Encounter Life Training
  Saturday, May 26, 2018
    8:30am - Noon
  (this includes going into a neighborhood in outreach)    Castlewood Canyon Church    389 Castlewood Canyon Rd    Franktown, CO 80116
    Every Home For Christ has been reaching people outside of the USA for decades, but recently has put together an initiative to reach people in America: it is called EncounterLife.

Everyone everywhere needs to hear about Jesus. EncounterLife exists to help you reach your community with the Good News. The training is designed to equip you with both the skills and confidence to mobilize for home-to-home outreach in your community. All it takes is a simple “Yes!” and a willingness to go. The harvest is waiting for you!

In partnership with Every Home for Christ, Castlewood Canyon Church is hosting an Encounter Life Training in May.   The approach is personal and less threatening.  The goal is to reach out into neighborhoods "offering prayer". From there Holy Spirit can open up hearts to share the "Good News"!

 RSVP Required by May 21, 2018:   There is no cost to this training but we need to know if you plan to attend individually or as a congregation.

If you have any questions, please contact me - Pastor Jack Serr. It's America's time!

For His Kingdom,
Jack Serr


Please CLICK HERE for more information on this training.

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