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Greg Savitt Biography

Greg Savitt is simply a nice Jewish guy who loves Jesus!
Greg Savitt was born and raised in a Conservative Jewish family in Chicago, Illinois. He attended Hebrew School for five years and learned about traditions, liturgy, and the Hebrew language. However, he does not remember the rabbis talking about God as if He could be known personally. Greg's interests were math and accounting, and he saw religion as something he had to do until his Bar Mitzvah at age 13.
Many people shared the gospel with Greg in his youth, including his wife, Susan! This part of Greg's testimony we call a Messianic Hallmark story. Throughout high school, friends told Greg about Jesus again while attending a Christian youth function, and oddly enough, he began to experience peace and joy in Jesus, which frightened him. He spoke to his rabbi about his discomfort and dismissed the thoughts of Jesus for a time. After high school, Greg attended the University of Illinois and lived in a Jewish fraternity. After graduation, he worked at Ernst & Young in Chicago as a Certified Public Accountant, the world's largest CPA firm.
Even though he had plenty of friends, money, and good times, he knew something was missing. Once again, a friend began telling Greg about Jesus. This time he listened, and he began experiencing a sense of peace and joy again that he experienced at age sixteen. He started attending church regularly but was not willing to commit himself. Then, the Liberated Wailing Wall, a mobile music team of Jews for Jesus, came to the church. Watching these Jewish men and women who believed in Jesus proclaiming Him from the stage helped Greg accept the truth about Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. Greg felt so strongly about the Messiahship of Jesus that in 1997, he left his job as a CPA to become a full-time evangelist with Jews for Jesus leading large outreaches in Miami, Cleveland, Minneapolis-St Paul, and multiple campaigns in New York City. Greg was the branch Director for Jews for Jesus in South Florida for ten years. Greg also served as the Director of Follow-up at Chosen People Ministries for nine years.
Along with proclaiming the Good News of Jesus, Greg has completed his master-level courses from Talbot University in Jewish Studies. Greg accepted a position with Rock of Israel Ministries as the Director of Jewish Evangelism for Illinois and Wisconsin in September of 2019, the 5th largest Jewish population in the United States. Greg jokes Jesus was facing Chicago when He said in Matthew 9:37, "The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few." Greg is never happier than when sitting down with unsaved Jewish people sharing from the scriptures that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel. Greg travels with Rock of Israel Ministries doing marketplace evangelism in West Palm Beach (25% Jewish), Florida State Fair, San Diego Fair, Ohio State Fair, Canada National Exhibit (our largest and longest fair), and Texas State Fair. Greg has had hundreds of conversations with unsaved Jewish people during these many events (and Gentiles, too). He also speaks in all types of churches and denominations with messages from Genesis to Revelation from coast to coast.
Greg is the author of From Tradition to Eternity, a Jewish Man's Journey to the Jewish Messiah Jesus. Greg has successfully debated rabbis in their own synagogues and has been interviewed multiple times by Moody Radio and other Christian stations. His testimony has been made into a radio drama by the ministry "Unshackled." This ministry started in 1950 and is broadcast to over 350 stations worldwide in 15 languages. He has recently been a TV guest on his testimony on the Christian TV Show "They Thought for Themselves."