Castlewood Canyon Church
& Or Chaim
January 21-22, 2022
Speaker Chuck Stecker
Men’s Advance 2022
Our guest speaker will be Dr./Rev. Chuck Stecker, Executive Director & Founder of A Chosen Generation.
As an Army Lieutenant Colonel, Chuck served in various key leadership and staff positions, including 3 years on the Joint Staff in the Pentagon. Chuck has served the Lord in the local church in various ministry and leadership positions. After his retirement, he served with Promise Keepers for three years as the Regional Director of the South-Central Region. In 1997, Chuck launched a ministry, Mission Capable Men, and then A Chosen Generation in 2000.
Men, you will be challenged, empowered, encouraged to be the man God has destined you to be.
Sign ups are NOW with room assignments of your choice!
Program Outline
Or Chaim & CCC Men
January 21-22, 2022, $135/p
The Hideaway Inn
3805 Walker Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Speaker Dr. Chuck Stecker
Friday, January 21
4:00pm Check in starts
5:30pm Dinner
6:30pm Group session
Elements for Shabbat led by Rabbi Stew
Dr. Stecker
Saturday, January 22
8:30am Breakfast
9:30am Clean out rooms (take your personal belongs to your vehicle)
10:00am Group session
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Closing Group session
Communion by Rabbi Stew
3:45pm Check out and departure