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Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Camp-Out Celebration


Early Kick Off (Sep 27th) 

We are gathering at 6:30 pm to watch the super moon lunar eclipse 4th Blood Moon – worship & prayer

Dress warm, bring a fold up chair, & telescopes, if you have one!!


Friday (Oct 2nd)

Early set-up from 12:00pm in the afternoon till evening

6:00pm – Shabbot service, worship/prayer. Eat dinner before coming.


Saturday (Oct 3rd)

Catered Breakfast: 8:30 – 10:00am ($6.50)

Morning Hebraic teaching – Q & A discussion 10:00 – 12:00

Lunch & Afternoon – on your own – bring your cooler with your own food – hike the canyon, play games with your family, etc.

3:30 – 4:30 pm– Dance practice for Sunday’s Celebration in sanctuary

Evening: BBQ - bring your own meat to grill and side dish/dessert to share with the congregation. Evening entertainment provided.


Sunday (Oct 4th)

10:00am Sukkot Celebration with recording artist Lynne McDowell – Special Messianic Worship


Things to bring: Tent, camping equipment, campchairs, camp tables, FLASHLIGHTS, warm clothing, games to play with your family

(i.e. frisbees, footballs, board games in your tent)


Registration:  Choose 1 night of camping or both nights.  Fee: $20.00


Bring cash or check (payable to CCC) to Rick Chadwick when you arrive at the event.

Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) 

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Rick or Kristy -

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