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Thank you for visiting us online!

We welcome you and look forward to your visit.


The mission of CCC is to: reach others to experience Yeshua (Jesus), restore them to live for Him, and release them to share Him and do what He did.


The vision of CCC is to: establish a healthy, maturing, balanced, Spirit-led, kingdom minded congregation. Connect 21st century worship to our Hebraic roots. See His kingdom become evident in our lives, in our homes, neighborhoods, community, and world. Creative use of our land to foster life-giving relationships and kingdom activities.


Every person has a divine destiny to fulfill. We are here to come alongside to equip and release you into all God has for your life.  You are a minister wherever you go, giving hope, healing the sick, doing Kingdom works as He empowers you. WOW!


At our Celebration gatherings, our heart is to host His presence, where the King of Kings is welcomed and we give Him honor.  We invite Holy Spirit to move in our hearts and lives!  Many times intercession comes forth as we hear the heart of the Father.  We welcome sincere expressions of worship through clapping, lifting hands, testimonies, communion, the waving of flags, the dance, prophetic gifts, and the sound of the shofar.  In His presence is fullness of joy, healing, and lives are transformed!


Throughout the year we participate in the Lord’s Feasts and partner with Messianic Congregations. Our Jewish roots are essential in understanding our spiritual inheritance and God’s covenant with Israel and the Jewish people.


Jesus the Messiah is the cornerstone of our faith and the Word of God (Bible) is our moral compass. 


Partnering with our Heavenly Father, “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” for all nations, our community, state, for one another, and our sphere of influence is our mandate. We pray from a place of victory in Messiah.

Prayer points are positioned on our 35 acres releasing His power, love, joy, peace, righteousness, inheritance, and covenant for our region.

Watch the covenant staking video here.


We participate in various prayer and worship initiatives throughout the year, as well as partnering with other Kingdom minded pastors and congregations.  We have an active prayer network, a weekly prayer and worship gathering, and a designated prayer room for personal use as well.


Pray, Give, and Go is our commitment to our amazing Ministry Partners as they share the Lord in various nations of the world.  Together, we are making an impact sharing the message of hope, Yeshua (Jesus).


We offer a personal visit to those who are new to CCC. This is a friendly, informative time designed to get better acquainted, unpack the life of our fellowship and discover how to become a partner in ministry.


CCC does not offer a lot of programs, but we do various events for all ages to build relationships and strengthen our biblical worldview.


We are located in Franktown on 35 acres less than ½ of a mile from the north entrance to Castlewood Canyon State Park, a perfect place for a picnic and hike after our Celebration.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

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